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21st Congress of the KKE
Mind · Heart · Organizer
Of Worker's People's Struggle. For Socialism.
Statement of the Press Office of the CC of KKE: On the 21st Congress of the KKE

1] The Central Committee of the KKE announces its decision to proceed with the preparation and conduct of the 21st Congress of the Party in 2021. Based on the Party statute, the Congress is held every four years. The last 20th Congress was held from March 30 to April 2, 2017. ...
Theses of the CC for the 20th Congress of the KKE

Il 21° Congresso del KKE si è tenuto dal 25 al 27 giugno 2021 nella sede del Comitato Centrale del Partito. Il 21° Congresso ha approvato il testo delle Tesi del Comitato Centrale, tenendo conto della discussione e dell’approvazione delle tesi da parte delle assemblee generali delle Organizzazioni di Base del Partito Read more...
Resolution on the tasks of the communists in the working class, the labour–trade union movement, and the social alliance

The 21st Congress of the KKE assessed the Party’s work in the struggle for the regroupment of the labour–trade union movement and the Party building in the working class. It also determined basic directions for the years to follow. These tasks are of particular importance. As underlined in the Programme of the KKE, the activity of the Party under non-revolutionary conditions decisively contributes to the preparation of the subjective factor —the Party, the working class, and its alliances— for the revolutionary conditions and the realization of its strategic tasks. Read more...