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Statement of the KKE on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

On the occasion of the international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people, the KKE expresses its full support of the continuing just struggle of the Palestinians for more than 70 years. The long and heroic struggle of the people of Palestine, despite the negative correlation of forces, inspires just popular struggles throughout the world.
The systematic long-term support of the USA and the EU for Israel at the expense of the rights of the Palestinian people contributes to the sharpening of the criminal aggressiveness of the Israeli state against Palestine and in the wider region.
The recent "legalization" of Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with a series of Trump government resolutions, most notably the transfer of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, add to the characterization of Israelas the "most powerful US ally in the region" and show the support provided to Israel by the US bourgeoisie as a whole. The EU and the governments of its countries are moving in a similar direction, despite individual maneuvers and divergences that "blur the waters" but do not change the main direction of support for Israeli aggression.
The headlong rush of US, NATO, EU imperialists to resolve the Palestinian issue is part of the bigger "picture" of intensifying and sharpening the competitions between the bourgeoisie and energy magnates whocontinue to clash in the region, causing great bloodshed to the peoples of Syria, Libya, Yemen, among others.
Today, in addition to the the Israeli state occupying Palestinian, Lebanese, and Syrian territories, the Turkish and US occupation of Syrian territories has been added, along with military intervention in the area by many other forces.
The US and the EU are not "withdrawing", and are not giving up asthey continuously develop new plans to bolster their geopolitical influence in the region, utilizing not only Israel, but also other regimes - their allies, in the face of fierce competing forces.
The ND government, "following in the footsteps" of the previous SYRIZA government, refuses to substantially and genuinelyrecognize the Palestinian state, while it pursues criminal expansion and deepening of its relations with Israel, including military cooperation, which is falsely portrayed to the people as a "solution" to security and peace, against the aggression of the ruling class of Turkey and NATO ally.
The just struggle of the Palestinian people can find justice through its continued refusal to submit to the imperialists and bourgeois designsin the region, by strengthening both internationalist solidarity and action.
The KKE calls on the working people to defy the current negative international power correlation and to continue their expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people more dynamically, condemning the daily crimes of Israeli occupation at the expense of the Palestinians. For:
• the end to the Israeli occupation and its consequences.
• the creation of a single independent Palestinian state with the capital city of East Jerusalem at the 1967 borders, with the people masters of their homeland.
• the right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their homes in accordance with relevant UN decisions
• the immediate release of all Palestinians and other political prisoners held in Israeli prisons
The Central Committee of KKE